Driver shot jfk debunked meaning

Central standard time in dallas, texas, while riding in a presidential motorcade through dealey plaza. September 1909 in stewartstown, county tyrone, irland. The driver shot kennedy square in the right forehead with the bullet logically exiting the right rear. For a teenage boy, william manchesters meticulous account of the us presidents assassination was a masterclass in nonfiction writing. I been shot and murdered, can tell you how it happened word for word but best believe ns gon get what they deserve. This, he hypothesized, meant the president had been shot from behind. Above all else, we respect everyones opinions and all religious beliefs and creeds. Watch him hit the floor in horror once he realized greer shot jfk. Connally said he saw the fatal shot and quickly corrected himself but his reaction when looking at greer proves he slipped up. In those frames you will see the driver, william greer look back twice before firing. The mob,cia and jfk murder political manipulation coverups false flags. The national archives are releasing tens of thousands of documents linked to kennedys assassination expect evidence of institutions.

Regarding the kennedy assassination of jfk people often miss the gunman being bill greer the limo driver who turned around and checked then turned around again while having his foot on the brake and killed kennedy with his left hand in his forehead and his head flung back and blew his brains out of the back of his head and jackie leapt up onto the boot of the limo. First, kennedys brains blew out the back of his head, meaning the fatal shot came from in front of him. Hopefully i can give some new perspective as an outsider, because i was never that into the jfk thing, but remember being really shocked by the video. Other insider assassination theories have included a story that william greer, the driver of the presidents car, turned around and shot jfk, a premise based on a poor copy of the zapruder film. Notice the right rear missing in the autopsy pic and compare that to frame 3. What physics reveals about the jfk assassination history. Clint hill is a former united states secret service agent who was in the presidential motorcade during the assassination of john f. More than 50 years after president kennedy was assassinated, the majority of americans believe some conspiracy about his death. That thing which looks like a gun is actually the top of a passengers head. This video replaces the one that was censored, due to the complaint filed by proponents of the theory that bill greer, the driver of the limousine turned around and shot. The only people who could make videotapes were television studios. But it was almost immediately debunked on ats that what people thought was a gun was a reflection of sunlight off the passengers forehead.

Yet despite the countless books, articles, and overly paranoid oliver stone movies, theres still plenty surrounding jfks death that doesnt make sense meaning its crazier than a sackful of methaddicted cats. Second, the limo was brought to a near halt, only after kennedy received the fatal shot to the head, did the driver move the car away from the kill zone. Was john fitzgerald kennedy shot and killed by the limo driver secret service agent william greer. Most news footage was taken on film and processed just like a photo film. The shot that killed jfk is a 1992 nonfiction book by bonar menninger outlining a theory by sharpshooter, gunsmith, and ballistics expert howard donahue that a secret service agent accidentally fired the shot that actually killed president john f. Case closed this is a political forum that is nonbiasednonpartisan and treats every persons position on topics equally. On thursday, classified files about the kennedy assassination will be released. We hope to challenge issues which have captured the publics imagination, from jfk and ufos to 911.

The driver shot jfk clearly and obviously but the zapruder film needed to be picked apart and analyzed by someone and that someone turned out. If you look at a really bad copy of the zapruder film, it will look like william greer, the driver, reached over his shoulder with a gun and. In this interview many of the popular jfk assassination conspiracy theories are debunked by dr. When the president was shot, he says, kennedys head exploded, as the film so graphically shows. Jfk assassination film hoax the fastforward mistakes. Februar 1985 in waynesville, north carolina war ein. That killing, and the subsequent murder of his alleged assassin lee harvey oswald while in police custody, traumatized a nation so intensely that the feeling has never quite faded the warren commission, a board of inquest appointed by jfks successor lyndon b. One longheld and famous conspiracy theory holds that jfk was shot by a second gunman from a grassy knoll. Page 21 of 23 kennedys death, here are 5 things you may not know about the assassination of the 35th u.

Watch the driver discussion in the backstage started by crossroadsnyc, feb 26, 20. Kennedys assassination, there have been those who doubted that lee harvey oswald acted alone. Were not saying any of the following proves the cia colluded with aliens and elvis to assassinate the 35th president. Kennedys presidential limousine in the motorcade through dealey plaza in dallas on november 22. I killed jfk confessional documentary airs for one night. That exit wound is corroborated by 40 witnesses and my recent work showing that jfks rear skull gaped open at the moment of front right impact. Kennedy was assassinated, you may have heard about a few conspiracy theories. If the video doesnt start in a few moments, please refresh the page. Unfortunately the evidence and countless recreations of the situation prove that jfks head would move. Kennedys presidential limousine in the motorcade through dealey plaza in dallas on november 22, 1963, when the president was assassinated. Jfk assassination the limo driver theory debunked youtube. This youtube clip freezes the frame in question and magnifies it. With the release of his iconic album in 1996, all eyez on me, tupacregarded as an urban prophet, of sortsdelivered angry and urgent lyrics, and shocked his fans by profoundly predicting his own premature death. He acted alone, the only thing conspiracy theorists have to act on is the way his head moved.

Before you go any further in your so called analysis let me tell you, and let me guess you want to pretend to have looked at all the other theories and now you will of. Jfk documents unlikely to tamp down conspiracy theories. Eighteen months old at the time of the first kennedy. Jfk assassination conspiracy theory debunked by new. If youve seen oliver stones jfk, then youll remember the climactic scene in which kevin costner proves that the kennedy assassination was a conspiracy by demonstrating the impossible path of oswalds shot, which he sarcastically dubs the magic bullet. Another look at the zapruder film debunks this theory. This debate forum is not aligned to any political party. Shown is the location of cameraman abraham zapruder along with the trajectory of the third and fatal shot that killed president kennedy blue line. William robert greer september 22, 1909 february 23, 1985 was an agent of the u. The mob killed kennedy, the federal reserve was behind the shooting, the driver shot kennedy and much more. Kennedy was riding with his wife jacqueline, texas governor john connally, and connallys wife nellie when he was fatally shot by former u. Nothing new about this the driver shot him claim, and it has been debunked.

Shortly after, john connelly reacts to being shot and falls back toward his wife. John fitzgerald kennedy, the 35th president of the united states, was assassinated on november 22, 1963, at 12. A forensic study of jfks death debunked the conspiracies and. Secret service, best known as being the driver of president john f. The driver killed kennedy reality uncovered forums. An expert weighs in on several conspiracy theories surrounding the assassination of president john f. One theory that keeps coming up is that secret service agent william greer, the limousine driver, actually shot president kennedy with a handgun. Proponents of this theory claim to show he reaches back with his right hand and simply shoots jfk in the head. I carefully measured the motion of jfks head using high resolution images from the 6th floor museum. And therefore, 47 years after the fact, you still cant establish the shot to the back was too low to exit the throat, which is the only reason the jacket bunching not bunching agrument would be pertinent. Even today, the zapruder film is seen as evidence in countless conspiracy theories about who shot the president. Theres a theory that says jfk was shot by the driver. If you start watching at frame 225, you will see jfk grab for his neck. John f kennedy this article is more than 4 years old a forensic study of jfks death debunked the conspiracies and taught me that tiny details can be critical.

Kennedy on november 22, 1963, and the subsequent murder of prime suspect lee harvey oswald by night club owner jack ruby. Kennedy was shot twice while traveling in his limousine through dallas, texas. That was being promoted by a ufo crackpot in the eighties. Kennedy assassination conspiracy theories wikipedia. The governor, logically starting turning toward the driver because he was braking before he shot the president. Warning thread driver shot jfk might contain content that is not suitable for all ages. The grassy knoll, umbrella man, lbj and ted cruz s dad. Other topics include jack rubys and marilyn monroes connection to the life and death of jfk. After the head shot to jfk, you can see connelly look at the driver then duck down.

Shooting holes in theory that a secret service agent killed president. Kennedy was gunned down as he rode in a motorcade through dallas. Had randy not drowned but lost his son instead hed have had a similar situation as jfks guards. Files will shed light on a jfk shooting conspiracy but not the one. By clicking on continue you confirm that you are 18 years and over. The first shot entered kennedys back and exited out. The kennedy assassination crime scene in dealey plaza, dallas, texas. Tech puts jfk conspiracy theories to rest technology. A documentary focusing on the conspiracy theory that lee harvey oswald did not shoot jfk will air again tomorrow, wednesday, may. I n my case, the answer to the question do you remember what you were doing when jfk was shot.